Water & Soil
Bio Diverse Solutions provides a range of hydrological services to meet your requirements.
Hydrological services provided by Bio Diverse Solutions include:
- Local and Urban Water Management Plans;
- Groundwater and surface water monitoring;
- Soil and groundwater testing for onsite effluent disposal;
- Hydrogeological reports and groundwater investigations; and
- Hydrological investigations and advice
Local and Urban Water Management Plan
Preparation of Local and Urban Water Management Plans are often required for new subdivisions as a condition of the WAPC Subdivision Approval. Information/tasks required for the Local and Urban Water Management Plans and provided by Bio Diverse Solutions include:
- Surface water modelling which includes analysis of catchment surface runoff using models, catchment mapping and calculation of land-use runoff characteristics and tributary profiling.
- Groundwater modelling which includes analysis of groundwater levels and fluctuation.
- Conceptual drainage design using models for stormwater pipe sizing, pipe layout and sizing of compensating basins.
- Design and implementation of surface water quality measures. Including design of bio-retention storages and research into particular pollutant traps.
- Design and implementation of groundwater management plans and water quality measures.
- Preparation of a report, including GIS mapping, monitoring and modelling results and findings and recommendations.
- Liaison with clients, sub-consultants and approving agencies.
Hydrogeological Reports and Investigations
Bio Diverse Solutions can also assist with the preparation of hydrogeological reports for development of artesian and superficial production bores required when applying for a Licence to Take Water. Reports are submitted to the Department of Water as part of the groundwater licensing process and involve supervision of drilling, aquifer assessment and analysis of bore yield and recommended pumping.
Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring
Groundwater and Surface water monitoring is required for a range of reasons, including establishment of baseline data prior to development, monitoring impacts post development and ongoing monitoring to measure impacts to groundwater and surface water resources. Bio Diverse Solutions can provide services to assist with water monitoring, with tasks including;
- Groundwater investigations to map water table elevations and fluctuations. Investigations involve construction of shallow groundwater monitoring bores, data collection, and analysis and correlation of data.
- Collection of surface water and ground water samples to test both onsite for a range of physical parameters and sent via courier to an accredited laboratory for testing of a range of anolytes.
- Preparation of a monitoring report, including GIS mapping, monitoring results presented in both table and chart format and findings/recommendations.
- Liaison with clients, sub-consults and approving agencies.
Soil testing for Onsite Effluent Disposal
Soil testing for onsite effluent disposal is usually required for a new subdivision which is not connected to sewerage mainline and located in a Sewage Sensitive Area. Information/tasks required for Soil Testing for Onsite Effluent Disposal and provided by Bio Diverse Solutions include;
- Liaison with a suitably qualified geotechnician to construct test pits and conduct an onsite soil and groundwater investigation.
- Conduct a field and desktop assessment of site characteristics and surface water/groundwater hydrology in relation to suitability of onsite effluent disposal and in conjunction with relevant guidelines.
- Preparation of a report, including GIS mapping, soil and groundwater analysis and findings and recommendations.
- Liaison with clients, sub-consults and approving agencies.