Protected Areas

Locally Based, Local Contacts and Aligning Solutions to your Environmental Problems
Visitor Interpretations, Infrastructure Development, Stakeholder Consultation, Community Consultation, Dieback Mapping and Hygiene Management, Reserve Management.
Bio Diverse Solutions can assist Local Government Agencies and Government Agencies with on-ground delivery of:
- Visitor Interpretations- including sign design, implementation of educational programs and development of written material from desk top publishing.
- Infrastructure development – including Recreation Spectrum Opportunities (ROS) of natural areas, site design and recreational facilities (campgrounds, walk trails, visitor movement assessments).
- Stakeholder and Community Consultation – “Friends of” groups, other government agencies, community groups, local agencies and others required of government agencies when undertaking large projects.
Bio Diverse Solutions have experience in undertaking:
- Local Area Dieback Hygiene Planning – Mapping is undertaken through assistance from reliable dieback consultants, and plans are developed aligned to DEC current guidelines.
- Reserve Management – Policy and Management plans for specific sites or for areas which require broader planning and policy.
- Fauna Management Plans – Species specific or area plans, strategic plans are developed to cater for the requirements of the species, protection levels and implementation strategies which are achievable.
Bio Diverse Solutions has on-ground operational experience of all of the above areas and developed efficient reporting skills which assists in the timely delivery of documents and reports. Kathryn Kinnear has 20 years experience in natural area management including specialised skills in interpretations, law enforcement and consultation. These factors greatly assist with management of protected areas.