Our Services
Locally Based, Local Contacts and Aligning Solutions to your Environmental Problems
Bio Diverse Solutions can provide a range of Environmental Management Services, where further resources are required these are brought in to match the expertise. With 15 years experience and knowledge in the Environmental Management discipline, Bio Diverse Solutions can provide a timely quotation which addresses client’s requirements and matches legislative requirements.
Bushfire and BAL Assessment
Bio Diverse Solutions are a Gold Corporate member of Fire Protection Australia Association and Kathryn Kinnear is a committee member of the Western Australia Bushfire Working Group. Bio Diverse Solutions’ Bushfire Consultants develop Bushfire Management Plans, Bushfire Hazard Level, BAL Assessments and BAL Contour Plans to assist in resolving conflicts of new dwellings located adjacent to bushfire hazards.
Such planning takes into consideration standards and requirements specified in various documents such as:
- Australian Standard (AS) 3959-2018;
- Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas; and
- State Planning Policy 3.7.
Bio Diverse Solutions aligns all work to the latest applicable legislation, guiding subdivision design, safe location of buildings in bushfire prone areas and resolving problems/conflicts which meet the clients interest, the safety of future inhabitants and the approval of government agencies.
To find out if you are in a bushfire prone area and for more information on what being in a bushfire prone area means to you refer to our Useful links page
Environmental Planning
Bio Diverse Solutions have track record and ability to undertake projects which require approvals from the EPA, DEC, DoW, Local Councils and other Government Agencies. Work is undertaken in a cost and time effective manner. Areas which Bio Diverse Solutions assist include:
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Flora and Fauna Assessment
- GIS Mapping
- Stakeholder Liaison
- Infrastructure Planning
- Strategic Environmental Planning
- EPA Section 38 Approvals
- Clearing Permits
Water & Soil
Bio Diverse Solutions provides a range of hydrological services to meet your requirements.
Hydrological services provided by Bio Diverse Solutions include;
- Local and Urban Water Management Plans;
- Groundwater and surface water monitoring;
- Soil and groundwater testing for on site effluent disposal;
- Hydrogeological reports and groundwater investigations;
- Hydrological investigations and advice.
Urban Development
Specific to Land Development, Bio Diverse Solutions regularly undertake reporting to assist with approval from Government Agencies for Scheme Amendments and Subdivision Conditions. Bio Diverse Solutions consult with the client and the approving government agency at inception of the process to see all aspects of the approvals are covered “.. the first time round!”. Solutions are developed which enable land developments to proceed matched with environmentally sustainable methods.Projects Bio Diverse Solutions can assist include:
Environmental Management Plans
- Land Capability Assessment
- Soil Sampling/Mapping/Laboratory testing
- Fire Management Plans
- Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment
- Wetland Management Plans
- Rehabilitation
- Government Agency Liaison
- Acid Sulphate Soils
- Opportunities and Constraints Reports
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment is the process of identifying hazards, estimating the associated risks and considering the level of acceptable risk to the community. Bio Diverse Solutions have undertaken Environmental Risk Assessment and Visitor Risk Assessment for Government and Local Government Agencies.
Environmental Risk Assessment – This process identifies hazards which are potentially damaging to ecological function and environmental landscapes. Such examples include illegal activities (dumping of cars, release of toxicants etc)on reserves which lead to pollution or harm to animals. Assessment is undertaken of the hazards and level of acceptable risk. Maintenance schedules are prepared and large broad scale pollution is identified. Bio Diverse provide costings and quotes for remediation.
Visitor Risk Assessment – Visitor Risk Assessment (VRA) and subsequent Management of Visitor Risks (VRM), is a systemic process of identification and control of a broad range of risks which have the potential to lead to the injury of visitors to land or property. Utilising the matrix formulated by the DEC this systematic approach can assist in getting much needed funds to recreational sites which previously have not been assessed for capital works. Maintenance schedules and programs are developed for ongoing improvement of facilities.
Protected Areas
With a strong focus on natural management, Bio Diverse Solutions has track record in government agency Policy, Standard Operational Procedures and guidelines. Aspects of Protected Area Management Bio Diverse can assist with includes:
Sign Design
- Visitor Interpretations
- Walk trail development
- Stakeholder Consultation
- Dieback Mapping and Hygiene management
- Community Consultation
- Reserve Management
- Law Enforcement
- Project Management
Bio Diverse Solutions recommend Environmental Management actions which are:
- Aligned to Policy, Legislation, Guidelines and Government Agency Procedures;
- Current Best Practise – utilising current research and knowledge within Universities, Government Agencies and technological developments;
- Tangible outcomes which are “able to implemented on the ground”;
- Are based from 15 years operational and field experience; and
- In language which is easily understandable for all to read and meets scientific requirements.