Clients and Projects
Timely Delivery and Approvals
Bio Diverse Solutions has proven track record for projects undertaken to date. Projects are completed to cater to the client’s needs, meets government agency approval and within specified timeframes, which is one of the values of this small company. Bio Diverse Solutions can align Solutions to your Environmental Problems.
See below for our latest projects:
Project BAL Build

How much does it really cost to build homes that will survive bushfire?
A new West Australian study by Kathryn Kinnear (Bio Diverse Solutions) and Julie de Jong (H + H Architects), Project BAL Build, has sought to address the misinformation and confusion about the cost of building bushfire-resistant houses.
Recommendations and conclusions from this study include:
- Consumers should request quotes from their builder that clearly demonstrate the extra-over provisions related to AS 3959 compliance, which aren’t already required for their 6-star energy rating.
- Builders should clearly articulate in plans the BAL provisions addressing compliance with AS 3959. Many building surveyors require this to be submitted as a separate drawing at time of building permit application.
- Bushfire consultants should not give advice about construction cost implications unless they are a construction cost consultant.
- Designers and builders should consider bushfire compliance as part of their consideration of all site conditions that affect the building and its site planning, and mitigate impacts where possible.
- Building to BAL-12.5 to BAL-29 is not as significant a cost as previously thought.
- The cost of building to BAL-40, surprisingly, added less than 10% cost to the reference house.
- Significant cost increases occur in the BAL-FZ building standard.
- Building to AS 3959 and BAL is good building practice; it prioritises resilience, durability, building performance and site responsive design.
For the full article see the links below:
Project BAL Build PDF
Fire Australia 2020 Issue 2: How much does it really cost to build homes that will survive bushfire?
Bushfire Resilience in the Great Southern
This project aims to build resilience in the Great Southern via an operational agreement between the neighbouring Shire of Plantagenet, Shire of Denmark and City of Albany through applying a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) contouring methodology to high-risk communities.
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